Gallery of Original Artwork

Quarter Sheet Originals

Quarter sheet size watercolor paintings are approximately 15 inches wide by 11 inch tall. Each panting comes with an acid-free matte, backing board, and acetate sleeve and a certificate of authenticity. Each piece is ready to be finished with a standard 20 inch x 16 inch frame you can purchase at any local frame store.

Half Sheet Originals

Half sheet size watercolor paintings are approximately 22.5 inches wide  by 15 inches tall. Each half-sheet panting comes professionally framed and matted with an acid-free matte, backing board, and UV protective glass. The framed artwork (finished size) is approximately 28.5 inches wide by 21.5 inches tall.

Full Sheet Originals

Full sheet size watercolor paintings are approximately 30 inches tall  by 22.5 inches wide. Each full-sheet panting comes professionally framed and matted with an acid-free matte, backing board, and UV protective glass. The framed artwork (finished size) is approximately 36 inches wide by 29 inches tall.